Columbia University Physics Lecture Demonstrations

Fluid Mechanics
Oscillation and Waves
Electricity and Magnetism
Modern Physics

3B40.1 Doppler Whistle

[Setup Time: 20 Min.] [Current Condition: Good]


Air is blown out the end of a long rotating pipe. As the speed increases, the pitch of the whistling rises and falls more dramatically. We also have tubes that whistle just by being spun by hand.

Setup Instructions

1. This can be set up on a rolling table and brought beside the lecture bench. The DC Motor should be be rotated into the UP position, and the Doppler whistle attached and tightened with a set screw (use an Allen wrench to loosen).

2. he tubing should be attached to the free end of the whistle, and the rods and clamps can support the tubing so that it drops straight down to the whistle. The air should first be let in to the whistle and then the power supply gradually turned up.

Parts List

DC Motor in B. Fluids & Mech, 1C

Blue DC Power Supply by bluecart, backwall

Doppler Whistle in B. Fluids & Mech, 1C

Stands by backwall

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